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What are the uses of galvalume sheet?

May. 08, 2021

The surface of the galvalume steel sheet presents a unique smooth, flat and gorgeous star flower, and the base color is silver-white. The special coating structure makes it have excellent corrosion resistance.

The normal service life of aluminum-zinc sheet can be up to 25 years. It has good heat resistance and can be used in a high temperature environment of 315℃; the adhesion of the coating and the paint film is good, and it has good processing properties, and can be stamped, cut, welded, etc. ; The surface conductivity is very good. The coating composition is composed of 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc, and 1.6% silicon in weight ratio.

The production process of galvalume steel sheet is similar to that of galvanized steel sheet and aluminized sheet, which is a continuous molten coating process. The galvanized steel sheet with 55% aluminum-zinc alloy coating has better corrosion resistance than galvanized steel sheet of the same thickness when exposed to the same environment on both sides. The aluminum-zinc steel sheet with 55% aluminum-zinc alloy coating not only has good corrosion resistance, but also the color-coated products have excellent adhesion and flexibility.

galvalume steel  sheet

Characteristics of galvalume steel sheet

1. Heat resistance

Galvalume can be used in high temperature environment up to 315 degrees.  

2. Reflectivity

Galvalume sheet has high reflectivity, and its heat reflectivity is almost twice that of galvanized steel. It is very suitable for use on steel metal roofs and can achieve energy-saving effects.

3. Corrosion resistance

The chemical properties of zinc are active. In the air at room temperature, a thin and dense basic zinc carbonate film is formed on the surface, which can prevent further oxidation. In the air, aluminum can form an insoluble oxide layer, which plays a role. Barrier protection function.

4. Easy to paint

The aluminum-zinc sheet has excellent adhesion between the paint and the paint can be painted without pretreatment and weathering. The coating adhesion of the gold-plated aluminum-zinc steel sheet is better.