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Causes and solutions of color coated steel coil aging

May. 18, 2021

Color coated steel coils are likely to age if they are used for too long. Why then, long-term construction or storage will expose them to the sun. According to the long-term light aging, it is impossible for us to prevent, but you can generally prepare in advance to reduce the aging rate, so what should you do?

According to the above-mentioned basic theory, the aging of color coated steel coil in ambient air is that the kinetic energy of the coating molecular structure digestion and absorption of ultraviolet light is higher than the molecular bond energy under the sun, which causes the attack and dissolution of the coating molecular structure. With the aging of the coating, the sheet itself is slowly lost, and the surface layer of the coating gradually becomes matte and loses its brightness. The damage of this kind of sheet will eventually leave more stable color paste particles, which are not bonded. The powder form is left on the surface of the coating. This whole process is called crushing.

color coated steel coil

In general, the aging resistance of polyester color coated steel coil with different coatings is very different in aging resistance. The aging resistance of thin-coated color coated steel coil is weak, and the aging resistance of all normal thin and thick coatings is relatively Good performance.. Therefore, it is not feasible to reduce the cost of color-coated rolls by thinning the coating. It must cause more serious product quality problems. Together with the party, confirm that the overseas color coated steel coil purchaser's ordering contract establishes the indication. The coating is thin and thick.